Attention-Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder
Although frequently diagnosed in childhood, Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (AD/HD) can be diagnosed at any age. The essential feature is a persistent pattern of inattention and/or hyperactivity/impulsivity that is more frequent and severe than that of other individuals of the same age or stage of development. Symptoms usually cause significant impairment in academic settings, at home, on the job, or in the community. Diagnoses of AD/HD do seem more common in some families and can occur with other problems such as anxiety (excessive worry), depression or learning disabilities (math, reading or writing).
Evaluations for AD/HD can be conducted from pre-school age through the adult years. Educational planning, learning evaluations, medication evaluation and monitoring, as well as supportive counseling and career counseling are all available at HRC.
Inattention symptoms may include the following: is inattentive or easily distracted; has difficulty paying attention for a long period; doesn’t seem to listen – even when spoken to directly; has poor follow through with chores, schoolwork, homework, or instructions; has difficulty organizing tasks and activities; loses things necessary for school or homework and is often forgetful. Hyperactivity/impulsivity symptoms may include the following: fidgets with hands or squirms in seat; is frequently out of seat; runs about or climbs excessively; has problems playing quietly; is always “on the go”; blurts out answers before the question has been finished; has difficulty taking turns; and interrupts frequently. If you recognized several of these symptoms in yourself or your child, an AD/HD evaluation may help decide if this is the problem.